images (23)A woman’s shiny, silky, and lustrous hair is her crown and jewel, so it’s not surprising why it is critical to have a healthy hair. Regrettably, it is not easy maintaining a healthy and shining hair all year round, which is why it is essential to know the best ways to care for your hair.

My article talks about hair care, dry hair causes and everything you need to know to maintain your healthy locks.
As said awhile ago, healthy hair equates with beauty. So, if you want to look and feel beautiful all the time then it is about time you start doing something to protect your hair from common hair problems that leave hair dull, lifeless and tired looking and worse ugly. But before I discuss my hair care tip, let’s talk about dry hair causes first to understand the magnitudes of the problem and why it is imperative to have a healthy hair aside from the obvious reason.

Dry Hair Causes

Dry hair is dull, lifeless, and tired looking because there is not enough oil and moisture to maintain the hair normal texture and sheen. By the way, oily hair is also a major hair problem since it is the leading cause of dandruff but dry hair is more complicated to fix and can make you look older, this is the reason why I have decided to discuss dry hair causes. Although, dry hair can also cause dandruff, a skin-shedding conditions of the scalp that also make the hair dull.

Anyway, dry hair can be the result of exposure to harmful chemicals and other external factors or from internal causes like an underactive thyroid and other illness.
The following are external causes of lackluster locks:

  • Too much shampooing
  • Harsh shampoo
  • Hair perms
  • Hair dye
  • Chlorine from hot tubs and swimming pools
  • Overuse of curling iron or low dryer
  • Too much wind and sun exposure
  • High mineral content from local water supply

The above external factors are easy to fix, you just need to more careful when treating your hair with hair solutions or just cut back on your beauty activities to avoid hair dryness. There are also home remedies that can help bring back the hair sheen and texture, when you don’t want to spend any more on expensive hair care products.

Now, if the problem is internal, know that there is no easy solution especially if you have cancer. Fortunately, there are hair care home remedies to alleviate your hair problem, or prevent the problem from worsening which I will discuss in another post, soon.

The following are internal causes of dry hair:

fruits_and_vegetablesEarly on, I mentioned that dry scalp could cause dandruff and dull hair. When scalp is flaky and dry, know that these are sure signs that you are not eating healthy foods or enough essential fatty acids such as polyunsaturated fats, a fat that helps lock in moisture in the hair cells and skin. Food such as mackerel, salmon, nuts and avocado are good sources of essential fats.

Furthermore, lifeless hair is often due to insufficient minerals and vitamins like zinc or iron while brittle hair is due to excessive smoking and split ends to insufficient fatty acids and protein. In other words, when you want a shiny and healthy hair, eat a well-balanced meal since your health reflects on your hair and skin.

By the way, eating too much sugary and salty food can cause itchiness and reddish scalp, which will lead to dandruff. So, like I said eat good food and avoid excessive eating of foods high in salt and sugar.

Now that, I have given you a quick overview on the cause of dry and oily hair, let us now talk about how to have a healthy and beautiful hair.

Hair Care Tips

10. Protect Hair From Sun

A lot of people do not realize that the hair is also vulnerable to the sun, and just like the skin can get sunburned, as well. When the hair gets sunburned a lot of times, the hair can be brittle and dry. You can remedy the problem by using sunblock for the hair to protect your crown and jewel.

9. Best Shampoo For Dry Hair

If you have dry hair the best thing to do when shampooing is to let the shampoo rest on your hair for a minute or two, before rinsing. When conditioning, it is best to apply the conditioner on the ends to avoid oily scalp as the leading cause of dandruff is oily hair and not dry hair.

8. Treat Dandruff

Dandruff is actually a fungus that feeds on the hair’s oil, so treating your dandruff right away is crucial to maintaining beautiful hair. After all, dandruff can make the hair look dull, as well.

7. Wooden Combs

The best combs to use when you do not want your hair follicles to break are wooden combs. Wooden combs are safe to use and smell good, especially sandalwood combs.

6. Limit Your Use of Blow Dryer

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It is a fact that too much heat is bad for your hair. So, when you do not want the hair to go dry, limit your flat ironing and blow-drying. Plus, when ironing your hair, it is best to iron once every two weeks than every other day.

5. Stick to Your Hair Routine

A lot of women have a hair routine, a habit that they have developed for a long time. If you also have a hair routine, it is best to keep it up than change your routine every week to maintain a cooperative hair.

4. Get The Best Haircut

When choosing a haircut, it is best to consider your face shape rather than just pick a hairstyle that you fancy, or your favorite celebrity is sporting. Besides, the worst thing that can happen to you is a sport a haircut that is simply unflattering as your face shape does not suite the hairstyle.

3. Hair Care Product

When buying a hair care product, always keep in mind your hair types, as opposed to using just about any hair care products or the most popular brand in the market. If you have dry or curly hair, choose a product that takes care of your hair, your specific hair type, and style.

2. Wash Your Hair Regularly

Adult woman washing head

It does not matter if your hair is oily or dry when you work out a lot then make sure you wash your hair often as the sweat produces oil that could affect your hair texture and sheen. Additionally, dirty hair is also bad for the scalp and hair.

1. Fix Split Ends

One of the vital hair care tip is clipping the ends of the hair when the ends break off or get damaged. You can protect your hair if you clip the ends of your hair regularly like twice or once a month to make the hair grow quickly and beautifully.

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About cathy 229 Articles
Hi, I am Cathy, a travel junkie, foodie, photog crazy and frustrated writer. I but I don’t consider myself a writer… I blog because I wanted to immortalize my life experiences, share information and just write about all sorts of topics.   I enjoy food, travelling, taking photos, reading, and blogging and meeting new people…   I write all posts, unless otherwise stated. Feel free to leave me a comment or follow me on Twitter and i'll follow you back or connect with me viaGoogle+ as I love to hear from my readers.

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